Saturday, July 28, 2007

A Calling...Not a Competition

This is a phrase used by Amy on her blog, Amy's Humble Musings with regards to motherhood. I want to recommend to you her latest post. It's just some great thoughts on remembering that, as moms, more specifically, as believing moms, we have a scriptural mandate to be encouraging and supportive of one another, regardless of what feeding or sleeping method we personally find best. Just wanted point it out to you and encourage you to read it when you get a minute.

Also, on an unrelated note, I just started using Google Reader, which allows you to enter in all of the blogs or websites that you check and whenever they are updated, it lets you know. So now, instead of clicking on all those blogs to see if you fabulous people have updated, I just go to my list and can tell at a glance if you have. Now I can waste time much more efficiently! Love it! Thanks to the tech-saavy Robin for the suggestion!


Robin said...

Tech-saavy is the first thing most people think of when they think of me.

hilarylarson said...

I loved Amy's post, thank you so much for sharing, very encouraging. I try to always apply this verse, "And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God." Micah 6:8

My 3 have all been so different, I must rely on the Spirit b/c a book or method alone cannot deal w/what my children need.
Therefore, I cannot pin my ideas on someone else for their type of parenting but I can show them mercy & act justly.

Jamie said...

Robin--you are highly tech-saavy. Everyone knows that.

Hil--I think we don't rely on the Holy Spirit enough, in any area of life. It's easy to think you can read a book, and then everyone should read that same book, and then you will have no more problems...yeah, right!

Anonymous said...

I think you should rely on the Holy spirt, talk in tongues, be a five point Calvinist, feed your child breastmilk MIXED with formula, only feed him every 4 hours, but let him sleep in bed with you, only allow him to listen to 30 minutes of baby praise songs, except for right before he comes to bed with you where he can watch 30 minutes of either Veggie Tales (but with no violence) or Baby Einstein (with the appropriate age viewing OF COURSE).
And finally don't forget, cloth diapers made of 100% cotten, unless you are feeding him organic food, then you can balance that with bio-degradable disposable diapers from a green company. But only then if you recycle. And do the chicken dance.

And then, ONLY then will you be a good parent...unless you aren't..then you have to read at least 10 parenting books a day for a month..and you'll be a good parent again.

Jamie said...

Mandy--thanks for bringing a little clarity to this issue. I admire how you cut through all the confusion and just told us what we should be doing!

Have you considered writing a book?

Anonymous said...

I have it on my biblically -mandated to do list (which I store in my Beth Moore Journal kept in my elephant-shaped hope chest I bought at a Republican convention), but honestly I'm so busy doing everything the "right" way as a mom, I don't have it scheduled for this stage in the parenting process..that should be set to happen in 5 years, 6 months, 24 days, and 14 hours.
So stay tuned!!

Anonymous said...

Not much of a blogger but was thinking about y'all and wanted to see little Asher. Fun recent pictures!!!

Rejoicing with you in Kris' job prospect.

Enjoying the marriage prep here. Currently working through "The 5 Love Languages." And growing more in love with my man every day. So much more beautiful than I could've imagined :)

Denise said...

Well said!! :)

thelittlefields said...

Ok, so I tried out the googlereader and I guess I dont get it. I put in the blogs I want updates on, but it is so confusing and complicated.

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