Even Asher can't contain his joy!
I finally did it. Hours, some wasted, some purposeful, have led me to this moment. This is officially my 100th post.
So, to celebrate, here's what I would really love to happen...I would like to receive 100 comments! Some of you may ask, "Is this just a pathetic, blatent comment solicitation so you can feel loved and important?" In a word--yes.
So if you don't mind, just leave a little shout-out (or 3) in the comment area. I'm not requesting anything long or profound...just a brief, "Thanks for the bright spot that you provide in my day" or "What did I do before I had your blog to read?" or "Could you post about something other than your kid every now and then?" (The answer is "no," by the way.) You don't even have to leave your name--how much easier could this be! Just say "hi" and be about your business.
Come on guys! You don't have to know me or even like me...just humor me :)
***Updated updated update at 11:13 pm: First of all, why am I not asleep??? Secondly, we are almost there! Ok--new rule...I need 4 more comments and I would really like them to be from 4 people who have not yet commented. So if you are reading this and you haven't left your own insightful remark, please feel free to do so!
Special thanks to Kathy, Robin, Susanna, Denise, Lis, and Hilary for the sheer volume of comments they left. I do believe Kathy wins the "Most Posts Left" Award, which she can add to her "Honors and Awards" section on her blog.
Thanks to Aunt Ginny for figuring out how to leave a comment and doing so :)
Thanks to Tye's Grammy for her sweet remarks!
Thanks to my mom for answering the question everyone has always had regarding me..."Why is Jamie like that?'" Now they know.
So 4 more...who will it be???
***Updated update at 5:05: We are almost there. Granted, if I limited each person to one comment, I would still need about 90 more, but this has been fun! Thanks to everyone for humoring me! You guys are the best!
Anyboby else who doesn't usually comment care to get in on the action???****
***Update at 11:21 am on Thursday: Multiple comments from the same person totally counts, so don't think I'm cheating when you find out that most of the "36 insightful remarks" have come mostly from the same 5 people. We are almost half way there...who else has something to share? ***