This is the woman I love!
A guest post by Kris Rives

My lovely wife has invited me to post any time i want , so I thought I would tell you a little bit about her. She is a model of grace and humility. She is beautiful, lovely, kind, funny, intelligent, thoughtful, thought provoking, a wonderful wife to a difficult husband,
and a loving mother of two precious, energetic blessings from the Lord (Asher and Jude (who will, Lord willing, enter the world any day now!)), and my best friend and helpmate.
Her wit is only matched by her beauty. She speaks reason and truth amidst the offensive banter of this fallen world. She speaks words of truth and encouragement into my life. She speaks of Christ, His Church, our falleness, His faithfulness. She is my beloved, the wife of my youth. I am humbled that God would entrust such a precious treasure into my care and allow me to call her my wife.
Ok...not really what I meant when I said "feel free to guest-post" but very sweet :)
ps--want to play a game called "Guess which picture was pre-babies"?
Oh my goodness. Kris. This is a-m-a-z-i-n-g. I love how much you love your wife. Love it.
This is really, really sweet. Though I was momentarily taken aback by the title and first picture before I realized it was a tribute post :) Jamie just doesn't seem like the kind of girl prone to self-adulation. Is the first photo a honeymoon shot?
Yes--I hope everyone reads beyond just the title to know that I'm not just someone with "through-the-roof" self-esteem :)
And yes, the pic if from our honeymoon in Tahoe.
Kris, can you please e-mail my husband and tell him to say those things about me??!
Jamie, can you disciple me please (when your settled after Jude!) and teach me how to have those traits so that my husband will feel those things about me? ;)
Rachel Marquez
Very sweet post from a sweet husband. We got good ones didn't we, Jamie?! At 39 1/2 weeks that is exactly what you need to hear...every minute. Hang in there!
Actually, I thought you were reminiscing more comfortable days--none last trimester days!:) Then I saw it was from your sweet esposo. For some reason, your mother came to mind, Jamie--it must be so comforting for your mum to see how much the man she entrusted you with, feels about you. I'm sure she doesn't need to read about this fact but, I would think it still is a treat for her to see on your Bloggy!
Hope you guys have an eventful Saturday!!! :)
Yes, this was all so sweet of kris to say...a little overly generous one might say though (especially if one knows me at all ;)
But you are right Laura--at 39 1/2 weeks, I take all the encouragement I can get!
Yep, this is super sweet.
My husband also has an open invitation to guest blog on my blog, but I am pretty sure that will never happen.
Good job, Kris! Tye's Grammy
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