Friday, December 1, 2006

my new best friend

Let me preface this by saying, I love being pregnant. All the changes and discomforts are more than worth it, but I have reached a point where I would not dream of leaving home without a bottle of these little beauties in my purse.

But overall, I could not be happier. I am half way through my 24th week and Asher is growing and wiggling and making sure we know he's there! I love feeling him move around. It kind of feels like a big fish flipping around. Not quite as picturesque as the "butterfly flutter" that people say baby movement feels like, but way more accurate in my opinion.

More later...I need to go have some Tums!

1 comment:

the kirkseys said...

I so understand! I had a bottle of Tums in my car, in my purse, in the bathroom, in the kitchen, EVERYWHERE! And I think I tried every different variety. Hang in there-it will go away as soon as you have Asher : )

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