Friday, October 13, 2006

My Friend Robin

Robin seemed to be a little hurt that I dedicated a whole post to John Mayer and Sheryl Crow. I even had the nerve to post a picture of them. My excuse was that Robin does not have stock photos on Google Images so I could not possibly have posted one of her. She retorted (that's right--retorted) that I probably never bothered to Google her to find out. She's right. I have not. So I decided to. Please copy and paste (I tried to link--it didn't work) this address to view a picture of Robin Stephenson.

This isn't really the Robin I know, but it is a picture of a Robin Stephenson. It's the best I can do until Google gets on the ball.


Robin said...

I googled my name, too, after I said that and found lots of other Robins...none of them me.

Maybe you could just put this picture up instead:

Pretty cute, huh? Maybe that should be my image that shows up by my name all the time.

thelittlefields said...

Aww, I like that picture, but it just doesnt do justice to the 'real' Robin. :)


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