Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Hearing Heartbeats

Hearing my baby's heartbeat is the most reassuring sound in the world right now. We had our monthly check-up today and the nurse found the heartbeat right away. It was really strong--at first I thought it was my heartbeat! Usually they have to search and press down really hard, but I guess since he/she is bigger now, it is more easily heard.

They always check my blood pressure first thing and it is always really high because I'm so nervous about hearing, or not hearing, the heartbeat. So when she checked it it was 150/90! Ummmm....little high, ya think? She didn't say anything to me. She just got out the little heartbeat finder thing and we listed to it pump away. At that point, my blood pressure decreased dramatically. The doctor took it after she finished examining me and it was back down to normal. They should know by now just to wait until I know everything is still good.

I have my ultrasound in 2 weeks. I'm so excited! I know people lived for thousands and thousands of years without having the ability to find out what they are having, but they didn't know what they were missing. Now that we have the option, I want to find out at the earliest possible opportunity. If I had to guess, I would say the baby is a boy. That, however, is completely based on an old wives' tale that says if you are carrying higher, then it is a boy, or if you carry lower, it's a girl. But old wives' tales are pretty much crap. So we'll just wait 14 more days and find out for sure. So Asher Owen or Adelaide Hope will finally be referred to with the correct pronoun.


Anonymous said...

I am so excited for you and Kris!! You are going to be great parents!!

Let us know if Kris knows of anyone interested in a Music position at a large Reformed Baptist church in Mobile!!! We need one...they have been looking for awhile!

the kirkseys said...

I totally had high blood pressure every time I went in to the office for a checkup! : ) They would have to double check mine too! You have been on my heart this morning, and I wanted you to know that I've been praying for you (even though we've never really even met! : ) I can't wait to meet you at dinner next week! By the way, are you registered anywhere yet?

Susanna Kirksey

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