Thursday, August 31, 2006

Thankful Thursday #2

Here are 10 things that I am grateful for this Thursday...

1. Hearing our baby's heartbeat at the doctor's office yesterday.

2. The really nice weather that we have enjoyed the past few mornings.

3. Not having "THE" class this year...the one that everyone who sees them comments " do you do it?" My class is actually pretty good.

4. My Bella Band !

5. Labor Day...or in my case...Non-labor Day

6. My husband's love

7. That Kathy and I are finally pregnant at the same time!

8. The faithfulness of the persecuted members of The Church.

9. Health insurance

10. Working fingers that could type this list

This list hardly covers it all, but it does remind me that God has been better to me than I deserve.

What are you thankful for?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i am sooo thankful for you my love! I know it is only a tuesday, but i don't care, I shall tell you of my thankfulness and love for you! I love you more than all the enchilada's in mexico!

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