This just is. It's wrong. And a little scary. Life-sized pilgrim cut-outs? Come on! Where will the yard crap end? These particular neighbors don't even have young children to somewhat justify this.
My neighborhood has the unfortunate disctinction of not always having the most tasteful or understated decorations for holidays, but this blows me away. Where would you even purchase something like this? Is there a whole Yard Crap store that I am unaware of?
Okay, I'm done now. I feel better. Thanks for letting me get that out.
Wow. That's really creepy. They probably come alive at night too.
FYI.... the Pilgram man.....yeah, that is a real shotgun.... Clayton's Corner known for its armed yard art Pilgrams...
Yes there is a Yard Art Store. Its actually a tent, and its at the underpass at Hamblen and 59. I have not seen life-sized pilgrims on display, but they have many, many seasonal cut outs. Get yours today!
Yup, have to agree that they are creepy. I have a particular aversion to the inflatable yard decorations that are so popular now. (sorry if anyone reading this has one and is offended) I love Christmas decorations (especially white lights)and am excited to actually put some up this year! By-the-way Asher can totally come over to enjoy our Christmas tree and take pics; we can if take a family picture for you unless you have an inflatable snow globe in your yard.
Agree! I meant to blog about the horrifying Halloween display in front of one of the McMansions we walk by on our way to the park, made all the more horrifying by the swingset in the backyard indicating that they do indeed have young children who were being subjected to a demon clawing his way from underground AND bloody rats gnawing on a corpse. I suppose cheesy Pilgrims are slightly less nightmare inducing. Unless, of course, you were a Native American with keen foresight.
I hate inflatables too, but I have to agree with Patti that bloody rats eating corpses are far more disturbing.
I laughed at Patti's last comment because it made me think of Chandler from Friends and how he hated Thanksgiving, referring to it as "Happy 'We stole your land and killed your people Day!"
I am bloghopping and somehow we are like 5 degrees of separation friend wise -? but I have to tell you that this post made me laugh out loud :)
Our neighborhood is worse if that makes you feel better. I'm scared to see what Christmas will bring.
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