Thursday, February 1, 2007

6 Weird Things About Me

I have seen this on a couple of blogs and decided that it would be great to know more about each other. So I will start and then I will be checking the blogs of others to learn what is weird about you! Then you tag 6 people and on and on the fun goes. If you don't blog (like our buddy Jason Stephenson,) then you can leave your weirdness in the comment section (which would clearly be commenting, not blogging.) So here goes...

1. I have at least 10 lip products in my purse at any given time.

Lip gloss, Carmex, lip exfoliator, lipstick, you name it. Sometimes I will have 2 of the same thing.

2. I love to fold clothes but I hate to put them away.

I can sit for hours and fold laundry, but the thought of actually putting them where they go nauseates me. I make myself do it, but I really hate it.

3. I hate pulp in orange juice.

I definitely have food-texture issues and this is at the top of the list of things that gross me out. I hate the way it feels in my mouth so I buy only pulp-free juice!

4. I am addicted to Tetris.

I have a little hand-held Tetris game that I play way too often. My record, just so you know, is 630 lines. You don't want to know how long that took.

5. I love Kenny Loggins.

I know, I know...but I do. I love his music (except for Highway to the Danger Zone.) For those of you who do not know who he is, call your parents right now
and ask them why they did not love you enough to expose you to the greatness.

6. I could eat at Jason's Deli every day of the week.

I love that place and I don't get sick of it. Maybe it's because the first Jason's Deli is in my hometown of Beaumont, Texas. Maybe it's because Kris and I went their on our first fight, I mean, date. Maybe it's because it is the best
place ever. I'm not sure why. But if you ever ask me where I want to eat, I
may refrain from saying it, but it will be the first place that pops into my head.

Now it is your turn! If you read this, consider yourself tagged and list your 6 weird things on your blog or in the comment section. Then tag a few people to join in!


Anonymous said...

Another weird thing about you is that you are married to me:)

Robin said...

Pulp is the worst (gag), and who doesn't like Kenny Loggins? You really do have to know when to hold 'em and when to fold 'em.

My post is up now! Go learn some random stuff about me.

Jamie said...

My sweet know I adore you and the thought of calling you out absolutely horrifies me. But it must be done. "The Gambler" would be a Kenny Rogers song. I'm talking Kenny Loggins..."Celebrate Me Home," "I'm Alright," "Whenever I Call You Friend," etc.

This is the Kenny that I am obsessed with.

Robin said...

OH MY GOSH. I can't believe I just did that. You will have to excuse my brain lapse there. I know Kenny Rogers sings that song. I'm an idiot. I am so tempted to delete my comment....

Kenny Loggins - I do enjoy some of his music. Although not apparently as much as you.

Jamie said...

I laughed really hard if that makes it any better :) No deleting that one!!!

Rebecca said...

I had no idea you liked Jason's Deli so much! I am the same way about Panera Bread. I could eat there everyday!!!

Megan said...

I totally agree about Jason's Deli. Best place EVER to eat, and I miss it so much! (Sniffle.)

Jamie said...

Meagan--I can't believe there isn't one in your area! I will have the speak with the corporate office about that!

Rebecca--Oh yeah, Jason's Deli could be my home away from home. What's funny is that Panera Bread has been the only food aversion that I have had this whole time! There was about a 3 month period where I couldn't even drive past it without gagging :) I'm better now though (but I still can't go in)

Robin said...

Megan - I checked and there are some in VA, but the closest one is two hours away. Road trip!

Jamie - I'm still thinking about deleting that comment. I even took your link off my "6 Things" post so no one extra would click on it to see my dumb comment :(

Jamie said...

There will be no deleting of the comments! That may be the best one I have ever had :)

thelittlefields said...

ok, I didnt realize until just now that the lyrics are "HIGHWAY to the danger zone" I always thought it was "I WENT to the danger zone" Thats how I've always sung it.

Kinda like "Alex Trebek" and "Alistar Begg".

thelittlefields said...

I decided not to put anything about pulp on my weird things since I guess other people feel the same way :) I especially do NOT like any fruit bits in liquid--especially Sonic drinks. I call it 'phruit phlegm'. 'Fruit on the Bottom' yogurt makes me want to gag. --Kathy

Jamie said...

So I guess Kris should post about how he actually LIKES crap floating in the bottom of his Sonic drinks and OJ pulp! I thought it was weird to be so against it, but now I see he is the weird one :)

(I love you, Kristopher!!!!!)

Robin said...

I once used tea strainer to get rid of the pulp in my orange juice. It didn't work very well because the holes were too small, but I was desperate. Pulp is gross.

Jamie said...

I've tried the strainer trick, too. It can be a little time-consuming, but well worth the effort once you see what's left in that strainer :(

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