Summer 2011
Just to ensure the gaps in my blogging are somewhat filled in, I thought I'd go through my phone pictures and post a few from the last few months. My life is both fascinating and amazing so not to include even the most mundane details seems unfair to you all. Please enjoy.

I fell in love with Pinterest and became determined to actually do some of the projects I pinned. Thank goodness for the filters on Instagram because they made these cake balls look way more vibrant than they were in real life. Incidentally, I found cake balls to be way more trouble than they're worth.

My Wimberly girls and I went to one of those painting places (at my suggestion, it must be noted.) Laura and Cheryl's turned out beautifully. My painting was disastrous. I call it "The coffee filter wore panties."

No more painting.
We saw The Civil Wars!

Favorite band ever. It was absolutely the best concert I've ever been to. The Mucky Duck was the perfect venue and I'm so glad we had the chance to see them (and be those nerds that hang around for a picture) because I'm sure next time they're in town, it will be in a huge venue and as much as it pains me to admit, John Paul and Joy will probably not remember me and make a special request for me to join them backstage.
Laura and I trying not to look too giddy about our night as cool urban concert goers.

Little did everyone around us know we were wiping bottoms and cutting up PB and J sandwiches mere hours before.
Simeon turned 1.

Thank goodness for a brother that does not force you to eat your cake alone.
Jude turned 3.

He had a shark party with a few of his little friends here and then a Thomas party (duh) with family at my parents' house. I intend to blog more fully about these special occasions but in case I don't, at least I mentioned it in passing, right?
I finally got all three boys pictures on the wall.

Two of these frames were purchased in 2006 with the express intention of hanging future children's pictures in them. By the time I got them on the wall, I had to go back for one more frame.
I ran a race. The look on my face says it all.

Actually, I look a little more joyful and relaxed here than I was. Ugh. That race. Moving on.
The boys spent a lot of time on Mamaw and Poppy's "sliding down pool" as it has been named by it's primary users.

I caved and let the boys use the face painting crayons at the children's museum.

Simmy got a haircut! No more George Washington, Patti. He's all business now.

Those spots on the carpet behind him are hair. I was so desperate to finish, I drug his high chair to the living room so he could see the tv. It actually required two more venue changes to complete the job. It was like giving a cat a bath. But less peaceful.
Wow. Ok, I've shocked even myself. I better stop before I pull something.